Lab Portrait March in May

This gallery contains 41 photos.

Beginning of summer is a good time to get everyone together. Exams are finished. Some have more time to contribute, some move on to new phases of their careers, and new faces arrive. And I now have a compact tripod that fits in my bike bag, which means we can take lab…

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SFN 2016 Abstracts (5 of em!)

The Snyder lab, along with collaborators in the Psychology Department at UBC, will be presenting FIVE posters at SFN this year! Here they are, in order of how hard it was for me to find them on my hard drive, email etc. EARLY SURVIVAL AND DELAYED DEATH OF DEVELOPMENTALLY-BORN DENTATE…

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Survival of neurons born in development vs. adulthood

Those who know me know that I love timecourses. Everything changes over time and by characterizing these changes we can understand a phenomenon in its entirety, hopefully. We certainly can’t understand it if we don’t know how it changes over time! Despite all of the neurogenesis timecourse data I’ve summarized previously, there are still some…

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Retroviral labelling and modulation of new neurons


Retroviruses can infect actively dividing neural progenitor cells in the hippocampus and spare non-dividing cells such as mature neurons. With this tool we can selectively label newly born neurons. We can infect neuronal precursor cells at various stages in development and look at a neuron’s morphology at certain ages. This…

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Activity patterns in the hippocampus

This gallery contains 16 photos.

In order to investigate the relationship between an animal’s behaviour and neuronal network activity we are looking at immediate early gene activation in neurons after animals learned a task or were exposed to a novel situation for example. This way we can correlate the activity of certain brain regions with…

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Prox1 antibody woes

Antibodies are funny. Funny in that sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t, sometimes they have different names at different vendors, and sometimes papers do, and sometimes they don’t, specify the catalog number of the antibody they used. So a bit of detective work is required if you want to…

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Neurogenesis and forgetting lab lunch

Yesterday we took advantage of some great weather and ate lunch outside while reading the recent neurogenesis-forgetting paper from the Frankland/Josselyn group. It basically flips the field on its head by looking at retrograde effects of neurogenesis on memory, instead of the usual approach of looking at neurogenesis effects on…

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Interneuron Stack

We demo’d an Olympus FV1200 confocal microscope, which I used to acquire these images of a couple interneurons, labelled with GFP. The video was made with Imaris, which offers some cool moviemaking features that you won’t find in your standard confocal software. BEST VIEWED IN HD!!!