Today was great because there was a ton of hippocampal-cortical posters I was excited to check out except I was also presenting so I couldn’t actually check them out. Plus, it wasn’t like I could just pop over when my crowd died down because they were all the way in aisle KKK (worst aisle name ever ). Fortunately there were a couple of special presentations I was able to visit, namely the CIA is Demon guy, who had his brain controlled by the CIA. This sounded really interesting but unfortunately I didn’t have time to check out the data – I had a poster to set up.

Brain Control
The other presentation was supposed to educate animal researchers about….what is done to animals during research.
I’ve been to a lot of Society for Neuroscience meetings and this was the first time I’ve seen these guys. Again, I didn’t have time to go over the data but usually when I read papers I just look at the pictures anyway, and theirs were pretty good. No, in all seriousness, experimenting on animals is not a light matter and I can understand that it’s not for everyone. But given the incredibly hard work being done to ease human suffering, and the amazing technological advances that are being made, it’s not clear to me that animal research is obviously flawed, wasteful, unethical, or fraudulent. Now that I look closer I also wouldn’t be surprised if these “representative images” don’t quite illustrate the full story either.
And on to lighter fare:
Maybe you’ll arrive at a talk only to find the room filled to capacity and you, unable to enter
Maybe (since I can’t find a ref) this is because there is (an insane) a fair number of attendees: (36,000) 30,654
Glenn Close is an actress though I can’t actually tell you what she’s been in. She gave a talk about mental illness and there was a post about it that clogged up the #sfn10 hashtag pipeline.
Theme H posters get a plug on the home page for this year’s meeting. Apparently people need to be reminded to visit them. They have to do with history, society, and maybe some other stuff.
Man, I wish I’d seen them. They look like fun.