Bowling 2022

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It’s been a while since we’ve done a lab holiday sporting event. Not sure why exactly, but I guess we just didn’t get around to it for some reason or another. Anyway, we usually like sports that involve heavy objects being projected 25-50 meters or so1. For example, curling or…

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Sex differences in the function of neurogenesis

Happy to announce a new publication that has been many years1 in the works, “Sex differences in the spatial behavior functions of adult-born neurons in rats“, led by former postdoc Tim O’Leary. In this study, we inhibited adult neurogenesis in female and male transgenic rats to see what happens to…

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Presentations at Neuromatch

The lab has 5 presentations to check out at Neuromatch! This is an exciting new venue for online scientific presentation, discussion and collaboration. Interactive talks are short (only 15 min) and supposed to be primarily Q&A, so come with your Qs! Here is a list of our presentations along with…

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A Role for Neurogenesis in Probabilistic Reward Learning

New paper by Desiree et al! Seib, Désirée R., Espinueva, Delane F., Floresco, Stan B., Snyder, Jason S. A role for neurogenesis in probabilistic reward learning. Behavioral Neuroscience. Abstract: Rewards are often unreliable and optimal choice requires behavioral flexibility and learning about the probabilistic nature of uncertain rewards. Probabilistic…

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New Review: Recalibrating the Relevance of Adult Neurogenesis

Today we have published a new review that was inspired by the controversy over whether adult neurogenesis occurs in humans: JS Snyder (2019) Trends in Neurosciences, DOI: ABSTRACT: Conflicting reports about whether adult hippocampal neurogenesis occurs in humans raise questions about its significance for human health and the relevance of animal…

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