Usually BNS means Behavioral NeuroScience, but once a year it means Beach N Sun for the Psych department’s BNS labs…
- Paul, mentally preparing
- Nicole serves up a storm
- More storm
- BAM!
- Team Soma, ready for this
- You got this, Paul?
- This is actually a Jedi mind flotation thing
- Uhh, sorry Ryan, can’t make the call. I’m the photographer, not the ref.
- airborne
- Deborah is like a synchronized swimmer, smiling at all times, even when she is about to eat sand.
- Punch technique
- We had to teach Ryan that just because you’re tall doesn mean you can just carry the ball and drop it over the net onto the other teams’ side.
- Quentin seems skeptical
- Even members of his own team duck for safety. That’s power.
- That’s back sweat.
- This wasn’t a play he was actually just waving to Grace.
- Pure action
- Out of the 4 players shown in this picture, which one is different? Which one exudes ultimate composure?
- Can’t remember if this is trash talk or chatting about the weather. So let’s go with trash talking.
- Tats were exposed
- Undergarments were also exposed. But given such form and elegance Scott can do whatever he wants.
- It looks like this is not going according to plan but really Deborah is about to do a double backflip before whacking it back to the opponents.
- Looking up (because that’s where the ball is).
- Teammate hostility??
- Gratuitous dirt eating shot. Kiran rushes in to perform CPR on his downed trainee.
- …slomo dramatic classical music playing scene….
- Remember what I said about Deborah and smiling?
- Catching a breath before…yes…you guessed it: BRINGING IT. Or I guess receiving the thing that is being brought. Whatever.
- man warps ball beyond belief
- High fives, game over, someone one!
- Chillin
- Soma lab on a log
- Soma lab still on a log.
- Post game refreshments and conversation
- Yes, this was a boogie
- Burger consultation
- People walking to get their bocce balls looks kinda like that slomo Reservoir Dogs gangster walking scene
- see?
- Pro bocce ball tip: See the way his fingers curl upwards like that? It’s key.
- Pro bocce ball tip: See the way his fingers curl downwards like that? It’s key.
- Pro bocce ball tip: See the way she has fingers? It’s key.
- Pro bocce ball tip: See the way he’s using different hands to hold his cup and throw the ball? It’s key.
- He wasn’t part of our party but he was juggling so that’s cool.
- If you toggle back and forth between this one and the next one rapidly his butt shakes because he’s getting funky on his little bbq dancefloor.
- Kidz