Category Archives: plasticity
New paper: Adult-born neurons undergo extended morphological development

!!UPDATE!! This paper is now published at the Journal of Neuroscience and you can also find it here. Congratulations to John Darby Cole and Delane Espinueva, two former undergraduate students who led an incredibly detailed study of the morphological development of adult-born neurons. You might read this and think, hasn’t…
Saving the best for last: neurogenesis, plasticity and memory. #SFN11
Previously, I wrote about new SFN data on the role for newborn neurons in regulating emotion. The second half of the SFN meeting rounded out the story because the bulk of the functional presentations focussed on the role of new neurons in that other, classic function of the hippocampus: memory.…
Low mag visualization of calbindin & zinc transporter expression in mouse brain
It’s fun to zoom out and get the big picture sometimes. This is one such picture I took long ago when I wanted to see if staining for zinc transporter 3 effectively labels the mossy fiber axons of the dentate gyrus. You can see by the perfect overlap with calbindin…
Spatial learning sculpts the dendritic arbor of adult-born hippocampal neurons
Dendrites are the extensions of neurons that receive incoming information. Neurons have primary dendrites that further split off into secondary and tertiary dendritic branches. On each of these branches are thousands of synaptic connections with axons of neurons carrying incoming information. The result is a dendritic tree that is capable of receiving…
Cell Nov. 13, 2009: Adult Neurogenesis Modulates the Hippocampus-Dependent Period of Associative Fear Memory
Kitamura et al. (2009) Adult Neurogenesis Modulates the Hippocampus-Dependent Period of Associative Fear Memory. Cell. 139:814-827. It’s great to see this paper finally in print. At SFN 2008 the authors had a poster that generated a lot of excitement, at least in our circles. And the poster was quite a…