This gallery contains 53 photos.
Usually BNS means Behavioral NeuroScience, but once a year it means Beach N Sun for the Psych department’s BNS labs…
Retroviruses can infect actively dividing neural progenitor cells in the hippocampus and spare non-dividing cells such as mature neurons. With this tool we can selectively label newly born neurons. We can infect neuronal precursor cells at various stages in development and look at a neuron’s morphology at certain ages. This…
This gallery contains 53 photos.
Usually BNS means Behavioral NeuroScience, but once a year it means Beach N Sun for the Psych department’s BNS labs…
This gallery contains 16 photos.
In order to investigate the relationship between an animal’s behaviour and neuronal network activity we are looking at immediate early gene activation in neurons after animals learned a task or were exposed to a novel situation for example. This way we can correlate the activity of certain brain regions with…
This gallery contains 6 photos.
The catFISH (cellular Compartment Analysis of Temporal activity by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization) method allows us to trace back when a specific neuron has been activated. By using labeling for the RNA of the immediate early gene (IEG) zif268 for example, we know that when we detect its RNA in…
This gallery contains 50 photos.
Is it too late to post photos from our super exciting lab winter holiday ultra-competitive sports event? No?
Introduction: One of main research interests in the Snyder lab is exploring the role of adult-born hippocampal neurons in learning and memory, and whether the function of these neurons changes in non-stressful vs. stressful learning situations. To explore this issue we are using the Morris water maze (MWM), arguably the…
This gallery contains 10 photos.
People are definitely way more excited about neurogenesis in adulthood than in early development. Which is fine. But the emphasis on adult neurogenesis has exposed some gaps in our understanding of the developmental process and so we have embarked on a study to compare neurons born are these different stages…